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Angiopromoters - vessel promoting factors

Antrum - space that contains follicular fluid



cervix - "gatekeeper" to the uterus

Corpus albicans - regressed CL, becomes scar tissue, has no function

corpus hemorrhagicum - blood that fills follicle after ovulation

Cryptorchid - failure of testes to descend in mature male



gamete - sex cell (sperm or egg)

gonadectomy - removal of gonads (female ovaries, male testes)



hilus - point of attachment between ovary and body

hydrosalpinx - free fluid in oviduct due to broken oviduct (these animals will ovulate and show heat but never get pregnant)

hysterectomy - removal of uterus (hyster), leave ovaries



Impotence - inabiity to copulate successfully



lordosis response - cats "stand" in response to back pressure



mastectomy - removal of mammary glands

menopause - there are no eggs left in the ovaries, therefore a lack of estrogen, which causes symptoms associated with menopause



oophorectomy - removal of one or both ovaries

orchidectomy - removal of testes

ovariectomy - removal of one or both ovaries

ovariohysterectomy - classic spey: removal of both the ovaries and uterus



polycystic ovarian disease/syndrome - cystic ovaries are large, excess of large follicles, can get up to the size of a basketball

prostatectomy - removal of prostate gland

puberty - when first gamete is put into the duct system. Sperm --> lumen of seminiferous tubule, egg --> oviduct

Pyometra (closed) - infection of uterus, cervix is closed and everything is retained in uterus

Pyometra (open) - infection of uterus, cervix is open and pus comes out of vulva



salpingectomy - removal of fallopian tubes (oviduct)

segmental cornual aplasia - absence of tube into one side of the uterus, fluid collects in horn



unilateral compensatory hypertrophy - compensatory growth of organ when its match is removed



vasectomy - cutting of vas deferens to prevent function


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