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Functional Anatomy of Gonads

The gonads are the reproductive organs in a living organism. They are endocrine glands that are responsible for the production of gametes and secrete sex hormones which cause physiological changes throughout the body.




The male gonads are the testes or testicles. The testes produce sperm cells that carry the male genetic information. They usually hang below the penis, although there are some exceptions where the testes are held in place above the penis (the cat) or are intra-abdominal. For example, the male elephant, rhinoceros, armadillo, sloth, and several other species lack a scrotum because their testicles are contained within the abdomen. Testicles are connected by the vas deferens to the urethra, through which the ejaculate exits the penis during copulation.  



The female gonads are the ovaries. In the ovary the egg or ovum develops under the influence of various hormones. Fallopian tubes from the uterus end in the infundibulum, which encases the ovaries in a fine membrane that catches the egg during ovulation. The egg is then transported down the fallopian tubes, which is where fertilization takes place if a male's sperm are present. After being guided to the uterus, the egg implants if fertilized, or is expelled.

Although there are slight anatomical differences, the function and control of the testes and ovaries remains similar and can be generally applied across species.

* Note the difference in uterine shape and testicle position between cats and cattle, but function and physiology is the same.

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