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Synthesis and Secretion

2 cell 2 gonadotropin theory

Summary of Main Hormones

Androgens - Testosterone

  • negative feedback: decreases GnRH released from hypothalamus

  • needed for sperm maturation

  • responsible for development of secondary sex characteristics


Estrogens – Estradiol

  • negative feedback: decreases GnRH released from hypothalamus

  • positive feedback: promotes LH release from anterior pituitary (females)



  • protein hormone

  • enhances FSH biosynthesis and secretion



  • protein hormone

  • inhibits FSH secretion from pituitary



  • steroid hormone

  • maintenance of pregnancy (females)

The two cell two gonadotropin theory refers to the similarity in hormonal control of the gonads in both the male and female. In each, there are two types of cell in the gonads, and two gonadotropins (LH and FSH). FSH and LH are released in both sexes in response to GnRH from the hypothalamus. The major difference is that males cannot give an LH surge as observed in the female. The surge is not needed since males do not release gametes in a single ovulation as females do.


LH, luteinizing hormone, stimulates testosterone production in the Leydig and Theca cells, as well as stimulating ovulation in the female.  


FSH, or follicle stimulating hormone, is poorly named. In the ovary it does indeed stimulate follicular growth, but in males it increases production of androgen-binding protein (ABP) needed for sperm maturation.


The male Leydig and Sertoli cells in the seminiferous tubules correspond to the female Theca and Granulosa cells in the ovary, respectively. 


Leydig/Theca Cells

Cholesterol --> Testosterone


Granulosa/Sertoli Cells

T --> E2 (by aromatase)

Inhibin secreted:

Protein hormone travels through blood to anterior pituitary and selectively inhibits FSH release


The hormones secreted by the gonads then enter the blood stream and affect many tissues and cellular processes.


T = Testosterone

E2 = Estradiol

I = Inhibin


*Both LH and FSH released from anterior pituitary

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