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Chemistry of Gonadal Hormones

Both males and females produce two major hormone families: estrogens and androgens. Males produce androgens in greater concentrations than females.





Aromatase (enzyme)



Steroids are all closely related. Starting with cholesterol, a series of oxidation reactions occur to produce the major gonadal hormones: testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone.


Testosterone is converted to estrone and estradiol with the help of an enzyme: Aromatase. This reaction occurs in the Sertoli cells of the male and the Granulosa cells of the female. 


Follow this link for a very good video about testosterone production:

Aromatization of testosterone yields estrogen as a product. This reaction occurs in the Sertoli cells of the testes and copiously in the Granulosa cells of the ovary. Although it is produced primarily in growing follicles of the gonads, aromatase is found in many other tissues as well. It also converts androstenedione to estrone.

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